Thursday, June 20, 2013

Going down the memory lane

How many of you remember this thing called the ’Slam book’ we used to have in school? Those journal/diary type things that we got our friends to fill in? I think a few of you remember me getting it filled for myself perhaps. Do you Mimi and Juhi?
Earlier this week, someone tagged me in a fun slam book type post I have seen going around in a few places online. I absolutely cannot pass up one of these things, so we are doing it today with a few mature questions of course.

A. Attached or Single? Attached (read very). Rohith and I recently celebrated three years of marriage. If you can call going through one of the most stressful seasons of our life together and yet “celebrating” then please take that back. I do call that celebrating. We are always there for each another as best as we could, stronger for it, and have a lot more to look forward to now that we are finally together.

God (and your know who) knew what He (she) was doing when they brought us together. I would have surely driven myself insane by now. Instead, I get to drive him crazy ;) Good for the both of us!

B. Chhole (chickpeas) chawal or Rajma (beans) chawal? Chhole chawal without a doubt, especially the ones made by Rohith. There is story behind it. When Rohith and I met in London, he tried to impress his cousin, Mimi and me by exhibiting his culinary skills and making chhole for dinner. They did not come out as planned as we were both jetlegged and did not know what we were doing really. All of us laughed and laughed tagging them as 'Italian chhole’. LoL!  Now, when he makes them you can absolutely be rest assured that the entire serving bowl shall be polished off. It happened recently at the 'International potluck' at Upwardly Global. They were the most devoured food item out of the entire fare and I am being constantly chased after for the recipe. No exaggeration there!

I forgot to click the after picture, when the entire foil was polished off!

C. Day of choice? Wednesday. I am choosing this day only at random. Hump day yes of course! For Rohith it’s Saturday as he says “Saturday is nicely supported by a Sunday”. LoL!
D. Essential Item? Tea. If you don’t know that about me by now then ahem ahem! I am really liking this one lately.

E. Favorite color? They were greens or blues before getting married. Now it’s red, mandarin and similar shades. The brighter the better.
F. Tom and Jerry or the Looney Tunes? This is an unfair question as I am stuck for picking one out right now.

I will give it to Tom and Jerry as watching them every time brings back fond memories from childhood.

G. Home town? Meerut, U.P. India. Born and raised and cannot seem to get out of there mentally. Even though this whole moving to NYC has been a sea change for me, I cannot stop thinking about my hometown as it is still stuck in time and of course because of my family there.
H. Favorite Indulgence? A very bitter/dark chocolate. I never really dug the milk chocolates from the beginning. Ever since Rohith gifted me Godiva dark chocolates at our first rendezvous in London, I have been hooked onto these. They work like a charm for me when I have a downer going, especially the ones with salt crystals in them.

I. January or July? July. Hello! I am tropical girl. Sorry in case someone picked January like Rohith, who lives for the cold weather.
J. Life is incomplete without? I should say my family…or Rohith…or my belief/faith. All of those are true. But life really is not complete without my Macbook. Rohith keeps teasing me that I would not be able to breath if I happen to live without it.  We fight with each other over it all throughout the weekend like kids. Then again I miss speaking with him terribly, so I guess that means my real answer is life is not complete without Rohith…and the Almighty because He brought us together!
K. Marriage date? April 11, 2010. I think we should ask Rohith to answer this one. It would be fun!
L. Number of brothers/sisters? 1 younger brother. It's a joke between us siblings. Actually its me, my younger sister, and our youngest brother. He is still living with our parents in Meerut and she is settled in Bangalore with her hubby and her adorable eighteen months’ old son, Kanha. I said one brother because of our unsaid jokes, which not even my sister understands at times!

Then again, maybe not, as my sister and I accost him every time the three of us are together. 

M. Oranges or Apples? Oranges in summer. Apples in fall. How is that for a straightforward answer? Though I have to admit that papaya is my most favorite fruit out of all.
N. Phobias? I cannot really think of any. However, to this day, I get seriously freaked out if someone shuts me in a dark bathroom. I have a vague recollection of the incident from my childhood when I was maybe 4-5 years’ old. I got stuck in a bathroom. They had to break the door down to pry open me from there. Another thing that drives me nuts are the reptiles and maybe also amphibians. It would be cruel coming out from a nature lover like me, however I really do not get excited seeing them. They range from Dinosaurs to house lizards.  My sister on the contrary is crazy about snakes. She used to talk about keeping one as pet, when we were growing up, to freak me out! Can you believe that?
O. Quotes? Love and try to practice this one on a daily basis “Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting”.

P. Reasons to smile? Life. Life is good and a true blessing especially because of the people around me. I never forget that or them!
Q. Season of choice? Spring! So many fun activities, excitement for upcoming summertime, my most favorite season! It’s not as hot and there are so many fresh fruits and veggies to choose from!
R. Tag five People. You, you, you, you, and you. Don’t make me choose, people! That is not fair to me.
S. Unknown fact about me? I try to find spelling mistakes in restaurants' menus and I freak out if there are utensils left in the kitchen sink specifically overnight. These are eccentricities of crossing that line, you know, going over your 30s....
T. Vegetable? Methi (fenugreek leaves). They are just so versatile. I had no idea of making them with paneer (Indian cottage cheese) until my dear friend, Mimi, showed me the light. Now Rohith and I can never have enough of it whenever I make it for dinner. My Mom on the other hand loath the idea of having methi with paneer being old school I guess. LoL!
U. Worst habit? I am not much of a cleaning person. Ask Rohith. He can give you a not so exhaustive list about this habit of mine. The kitchen shall be spic and span around me, however the rest of the house is completely his prerogative. So unlike a woman. Right? So blame my sister for that. Growing up we had divided the chores of cooking and cleaning amongst ourselves and no points for guessing who did what.
V. Your favorite food? I guess that would be something I could eat all the time and never get sick of eating? Healthy answer? Salads. 

Not healthy answer? Peanut butter. Though I try to make it as healthy as possible by choosing the all natural type and eating it with a another healthy item.

W. Zodiac sign? Aagrhhh! There are so many according to all the different calendars from around the world. My birthday always falls on a day during the Thanksgiving weekend in the US, so you know that I am a Sagittarius. I am a virgo (name starting with a P) and libra (according to my date of birth) according to the Indian/Hindu calendar. According to the Chinese calendar, I was born in the 'year of the sheep’. 

Sorry to have bombarded you with such a heady post early in the morning. Wondering where I got all the energy and time to write all this down? We gave away our entire load of donation this morning and the feeling of satisfaction was quiet overwhelming for me. So I channelized it by answering all these ’trivia’ questions.

Your Turn: Pick a letter, any letter! Or just skip all my craziness and do the survey for yourself and let me know if you did!

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