Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Breaking my silence after an year!


Hi Folks!
Breaking my silence after a whole year and it’s pregnancy update time. Last week we reached 21 weeks and time is passing by in a flash! Will try to be more regular with the posts from now on.
Baby Updates: Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash! That seems HUGE to me! Rohith and I cannot believe there’s a little baby the size of a spaghetti squash hanging in my belly. Nervous but exciting!
Weight Gained: Didn’t weigh myself. Last week it was 4 lbs
Workouts: I am trying to get back into more regular workouts (it took a backseat last month thanks to some pregnancy scare) I am thrilled to be picking it up again. I really hope to maintain a regular yoga and meditation practice throughout the remainder of my pregnancy.
Since summer in NYC is so lovely right now, I cannot help but feel a little disappointed that walking/running outside or in the gym just not for me. I would love to go for a run around the neighborhood park with Rohith, but the pee frequency totally rules this out as an option. I know listening to my body is the most important thing to do right now. I have come to terms with the fact that I will not be a pregnant runner. I am obviously a little sad about this as I had really built up a regimen earlier this year and started to fit in a lot of my old outfits. However, my short walks every afternoon after lunch have been a great way to soak up some sun and enjoy time outside. Seeing a lot of other pregnant ladies walking around the parks in the afternoon is also very encouraging.
Symptoms: After too long on my feet or sitting, I have noticed they start to feel a little achy and swollen. This is not an everyday thing, but it happened a couple of times lately. I fall in love with Rohith all over again when he gives me a fantastic foot massage a few times at night while we watch TV. My sciatica pain has also flared up whenever I am exhausted or stressed my feet. Hopefully with yoga stretches, I might be able to keep it at bay. I have also noticed that my hair have gone slightly thinner and falling more than pre-pregnancy. Read online quickly and found out that this will change later.
Food Aversions: Ice creams and sweets. I am not sure whether I will be ever able to enjoy them again. Meh for now!
Food Cravings:
  • Fruits. Lots and lots of them. Keep them coming. Also avocados.
  • Wine: I cannot wait for my first glass of Cabernet or Blush post-baby! A glass of chilled sauvignon blanc also sounds appealing at times.
  • Boiled eggs (So grateful this craving continues to be a strong one!). I simply cannot handle eggs prepared any other way
  • Milk, paneer, cheese and yogurt
  • Dry fruits and nuts
Sleep: Sleep has been good. Only getting up to pee in the wee hours of the mornings causes a bit of restlessness. I am beginning to come to terms with this gradually.
Looking Forward To… Our 24 week appointment! 
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? Nothing as of now, besides a few larger sized clothes for me. I am planning on getting rid of all my beautiful designer work clothes, cocktail dresses and casuals via an online service at the earliest. Rohith and I also made a quick browsing trip to BabiesRUs last weekend. It was overwhelming is to put it mildly. We eyeballed a lot of items, however thought really hard on what we would absolutely need vs. what we want for the baby, given our tiny apartment. Also since Rohith and I are very conscious about buying everything sustainable and green, it might be an additional challenge for us.
Stretch Marks?: Thankfully, none. After my morning shower, I am applying a cocoa butter oil and hoping this helps.
Belly Button In Or Out? Flat for now. I am not showing a lot also as yet. No one offers me a seat on the subway thus far!
Happy or Moody Most Of The Time? Happy!
Any Movement? Oh Boy! Feeling lots of wonderful (and strong) kicks and rolls daily. I also notice more movement while I am at work, in bed right before we go to sleep or I get up. In fact, often times I get up in the morning by the baby's kicks. Also happens right when I first go into a horizontal/ half lying position or eat/ drink something. Rohith and I joke that our baby is an early bird like his Ma, which doesn’t bode well for Rohith considering he is a night owl. Makes me very happy!
Pics: Coming soon.


  1. Thanks for the invite, hun! Have you seen this video:

    Your apartment isn't huge, but don't let that be an issue! This something like be Rohith's next project :)

